Thursday, 27 June 2024 08:15

-      Honourable Ministers, 

-      Excellencies,

-      Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning.

1.   I welcome you all to the 36th plenary meeting of the RJMEC. This plenary is an important platform for all of us, as the peace oversight body, to regularly take stock of progress, or lack thereof, in the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, to receive reports from the RTGoNU and from the different Agreement institutions and mechanisms, and to recommend appropriate remedial measures. 

2.   I therefore take note that, very little clarity exists regarding the position of the RTGoNU and Parties over the  the conduct of elections as scheduled in December this year. Also, critical election related tasks remain outstanding. However, I am aware that the High Level Standing Committee of the Parties on the Implementation of the R-ARCSS have been meeting. We look forward to RTGoNU’s update on this matter.

3.   The aforementioned notwithstanding, our regular plenary meeting is an important platform to encourage the RTGoNU and the Parties to exert more efforts to register progress. I therefore appeal to all RJMEC members to remain seized of our mandate and to use these regular meetings to proactively engage with the RTGoNU, the Parties and the implementation mechanisms to expedite the pace of the R-ARCSS implementation. 

4.   My statement today will focus on the status of implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement as per the Roadmap since our last plenary meeting, and highlight recent developments chapter by chapter, critical pending tasks and concludes with recommendations.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

5.   Under governance, it is encouraging to note that the RTGoNU Council of Ministers has endorsed the revised NGO Act 2016 (Amendment) Bill 2024. The Bill seeks to streamline the operations of NGOs, and improve their registration and regulations. This is a welcome development. The subsequent step is for the Bill to be presented to the TNLA for its consideration. 

6.   With regard to the ad-hoc Judicial Reform Committee (JRC), the  validation and official handover of their report to the RTGoNU remains pending. I reiterate RJMECs appeal to the RTGoNU to expedite the conclusion of this process.

7.   On preparations for the conduct of elections as scheduled, RJMEC had requested the Parties in March to engage in a dialogue so as to reach consensus on the way forward. With less than six months to the elections as per the Roadmap, time is fast running out and a number of critical election related tasks remain pending. There are reports that the National Elections Commission (NEC) has made some progress with regards to the reconstitution of the State Elections High Committees. The Chairperson of the NEC will provide further update on this matter and on the status of its work. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

8.      Regarding the Permanent Ceasefire, the ceasefire is still holding despite the reported increase of abductions of youths by NAS in Central Equatoria State and some insecurities along the roads. Since the last meeting, CTSAMVM has submitted seven violation reports to the RJMEC. I wrote to the SSPDF Chief of Defence Forces’ calling for immediate action on the violations as per CTSAMVM’s recommendations. The JDB is requested to update this meeting on the status of actions taken to remedy the violations.

9.      On the Transitional Security Arrangements, RTGoNU is requested to update this meeting on the status of the mid- and lower-levels command, following the submission by both SPLM/A-IO and SSOA of their lists of officers. In addition, I request updates from the JDB on the completion of redeployment for Phase I, plans for the commencement of Phase II, SDSR process and the DDR respectively.

10.  RJMEC remains concerned with reports of continuing inter-communal violence in different parts of the country, including latest incidents in Ruweng Administrative Area and Unity States.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

11.  With regard to humanitarian affairs, the situation in the country remains challenging and is expected to worsen with  the anticipated flooding and decrease in relief support. The Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) continues to decry the conditions in and around the main transit centre in Renk, Unity State where returnees lack basic needs, including shelter from the heat and rain. 

12.  The Relief and Rehabilitation Commission attributes the slow return, relocation, and  reintegration processes to delayed establishment of the Special Reconstruction Fund and its Board.  In that regard, I appeal to the RTGoNU and peace partners to come to the aid of the affected persons who are in dire need. 

13.  In addition, the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission is finalising the consolidated National Framework for Durable Solutions for refugees, internally displaced persons, returnees, and host communities. The Framework will be a useful tool for resource mobilisation and coordination. 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

14.  With regards to the management of economic and financial resources, the TNLA recently passed the Public Finance Management and Accountability Amendment Bill 2024, which awaits assent by the President. The RTGoNU has also made inroads in building the domestic private sector through strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) among rural populations and the urban poor in some States by increasing access to finance and capacity building. 

15.  However, there is need for strengthening the South Sudan Business Forum to enable it to support the review and implementation of the Private Sector Development Strategy. It is also important  that the Enterprise Development Funds for both Women and Youth are established and accessed throughout the country.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

16.  Regarding Transitional Justice, there has been no new progress to report as the Bills for the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH) and the Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA) are still with the TNLA. I reiterate our appeal to the TNLA to give these bills their urgent attention.

17.  Concerning the permanent constitution making process, I am encouraged by reports that the National Constitutional Review Commission (NCRC) has received US $ 800,000 as promised by the RTGoNU in our last plenary. I commend the RTGoNU for availing this funds to the NCRC. 

18.  The making of ‘a people led, and people owned permanent constitution’ within the Transitional Period is one of the cardinal promises made by the Parties to the Revitalized Peace Agreement to the people of South Sudan and this constitutional moment should not be lost.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

19.  RJMEC has had a number of important engagements, here in Juba and within the region on the status of implementation of the R-ARCSS, as well as challenges facing its implementation, the Nairobi talks, and prospects for elections.

20.  In this regard, I briefed Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the UN General Assembly, H.E Gen. Abubaker Jeje Odongo, Foreign Minister of Uganda, the visiting delegation of the AU Peace and Security Council, and the non-resident Ambassadors of Belgium and South Korea. 

21.  We continued our regular and close engagements with the RTGoNU Executives, Parties to the Agreement, institutions and mechanisms implementing the Agreement and different South Sudanese stakeholders. In all engagements, we keep encouraging them to make further progress, dialogue and provide clarity on the way forward.

22.  With regard to the Nairobi talks, we continue to encourage the negotiating parties to dialogue in good faith with a commitment to achieving an inclusive peace process within the framework of the R-ARCSS. 

23.  In view of the aforementioned, RJMEC recommends the following to the RTGoNU:

a.   continue sustained inter-party dialogue in a collegial manner, build consensus amongst the Parties and the stakeholders on the way forward on elections, and provide regular updates to the public on the progress of the dialogue;

b.   continue to avail the requisite resources and logistics to the Agreement institutions and mechanisms to enable them to discharge their mandates;

c.   fast-track the passing of all pending bills and operationalise those already enacted by the TNLA; and

d.  complete the unification of the mid-level command echelon, redeployment of the unified forces, and commence Phase II, and DDR.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

24.  In conclusion, I would like to underscore the importance of continuous implementation of the R-ARCSS tasks, irrespective of the ongoing inter-party dialogue and the Nairobi talks. Much work remains to be done and no time should be lost going forward.

25.  I wish you fruitful deliberations.

I Thank You!